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TOPunt Ghent is a partner in the realisation of a new initiative for young people: OverKop Ghent, house of youth. This has been launched on 7th of February 2018. It is a place where young people between 12 and 25 can come for leisure time but also for accessible social and psychological help.


This house in the centre of the city is a cooperation between the city of Ghent and several organizations who provide care for young people (mental health care, schoolcare, social care). Young people can drop by without an appointment and they can meet peers and professional youthworkers. They can join for an social activity or groupsession or they can have a private chat, this all anonymous and for free.

TOPunt Ghent is with this House of youth involved in the WHY-project, because youth-participation is one of the core values of OverKop Ghent. From the beginning this project is European and internationally oriented in order to learn from other countries and to exchange knowledge about youth care and youth participation.

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