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Di Persone si Tratta


Equality Cooperativa Sociale Onlus


DI PERSONE SI TRATTA is a participatory activity meant to increase knowledge among young persons, raise awareness on social issues and ultimately mediate conflicts between citizenship and marginalized people.
It has been proposed for more than 10 years at secondary schools on the issues of prostitution, immigration crisis (asylum seeker migrants), religious and political radicalization, gender-based violence.
Notoriously, the presence of street prostitution in inhabited centres is the source of social tensions and conflicts, which in the specifics of migrant prostitution intertwine with the conflicts generated by the presence of immigrants. This conflict does not always emerge in an evident way, even if it can sometimes be detected by the information disseminated by local newspapers and television. One of the important factors at the origin of this type of conflict is constituted by a scarce and superficial knowledge of the phenomenon, of its forms of manifestation, of the highlights describing it, of the life conditions in which the people involved are found. We often tend to exaggerate the situation, on the one hand constructing a pietistic / victimistic image ("they are all slaves"), on the other hand, assuming a moralist / judging position ("they are people who want to earn money easily").

These elements suggest that the citizenship need to be more aware and increase their knowledge of the phenomenon of migrant prostitution. In this sense, particular attention should be given to the youth groups.
Hoped achievements, offering a time and place to answer to the following needs:
- The interest and curiosity of young persons to receive essential and meaningful information on a topic that arouses great interest and desire to "learn more", to get out of clichés and prejudices and to feel able to freely express the discomfort that one lives connected to the presence of the street prostitution;
- The need to relate to young persons with a model of active citizenship, which participates in the understanding of the social dynamics of the phenomena;
- The need for a mediation of the conflict between the social actors who participate, although with very diversified roles.
- The need of young persons not to feel passive spectators of a situation that induces insecurity and tension, sometimes prelude to closure, discrimination, violence and social marginalization;
- The need to consider the demand of sex work, transversely to the themes of sexuality and social relations, and the prevention of the demand as a subject of dialogue and discussion among young persons at school.


The project consists of a training module divided into 4 phases / 4 consecutive meetings (2h / meeting). The target-groups young persons between 16-20.


First phase STIMULATION SESSION: Presentation of the group: all the participants present themselves by saying their name and providing information about their person (ice-breaking activity). The professional, through specific group work techniques such as brainstorming, stimulates reflections and associations of ideas starting from the key word "prostitution". In this activity the professional leaves maximum freedom of expression and association to the students, limiting himself to writing down on the blackboard words and phrases used by young persons. At the same time, second professional notes the group dynamics through observation grids. The professional launches the second meeting.

Second phase FILM VISION - RESTITUTION AND RE-ELABORATION OF RESULTED CONTENTS: the restitution of the contents that emerged during the first meeting is provided by the professional. The recognition of written words and phrases, in relation to the concepts expressed by young persons in the first meeting, is accompanied by the video, integrating those aspects or contents which did not resulted from the brainstorming.  The professional launches the third phase of the project and asks young persons to organize in small groups.

Third phase ROLEPLAYING: the professional explains the rules of the exercise of dramatization or behaviour simulation on the subject of "prostitution". The class is organized in small groups and the second professional observes the group dynamics that emerge during the exercise.

Fourth phase SUMMARY OF WORK: the professional summarizes the contents and dynamics of the work done with the single class and asks the young persons to express themselves freely on the topic through graphic works, written text, etc.


At school during school semester


Increased knowledge on the topic proposed that can be “assessed” through questionnaire before and after the involvement in the activity.



High degree / regularly

Gender sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Culture sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Doable (practical):

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Replicable and adaptable:

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Type of good practice



Social inclusion, Youth civic participation


One month or less

Type of activity

Group activity


Structural resources: Classroom, Pc, screen, projector, Photocopying. Human resources: 2 professionals


Barbara Maculan


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