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Europe's Anti-Bullying Campaign


Anadrasis Initiative Information


The project consists of creating a single response to the phenomenon of school bullying and a European Platform to inform children, parents, teachers and anyone concerned about the problem.
The aim of the project was to establish common ground between Member States where intimidation occurs, as well as among victims and offenders. Through the implementation of relevant research on the topic of school bullying, the co-operating bodies evaluated the existing knowledge about the bullying problem and undertook awareness-raising actions for children, young people, parents and teachers.
The implementation of the project successfully brought together partners from 6 countries from all over Europe, which under the project undertook the following actions:
•    Carrying out research at the European level covering the 6 countries of the company scheme. A survey questionnaire was completed online through the Web site by 16,226 participating students.
•    Creating a website that acts as a Reference Point for the School Bullying issue to provide broad and stable information to all concerned and to provide direct advice to students, teachers and parents through specialized help lines and other interactive ways of communication.
•    Creating an Interactive Educational Tool with the aim of upgrading the problem management processes in the school environment with the direct participation of the students.
•    Designing and implementing the European Campaign against School Bullying. Campaign information materials, public awareness materials and concerted action took place in all six countries.
•    Raising public awareness and modifying relevant social attitudes and behaviours.
•    Linking research results to social policy through the Ministries of Health and Social Solidarity, Justice, Public Order, in order to adopt institutional measures, and
•    Collaborating with European bodies to develop European and transnational research programs in the field of child rights violation.


Through research in the field of bullying, collaborators want to assess the knowledge base of the issue of intimidation on various occasions and raise awareness among several target groups: children, young people, parents and teachers. By including a public campaign, the final phase of the program will sensitize the general public about the emotional, psychological and physical costs of bullying and encourage a zero-tolerance policy towards the problem.

Although many Member States have forums dealing with bullying, the aim of this program is to create a national reference point in each Member State, a single area for bullying for the public, for parents and teachers, but mainly for the children. Thus, the program will give children a safe place in which they can learn about intimidation, speak confidentially with experts on the issue, about what is happening, how to deal with it, and through electronic applications how to protect themselves from bullying.
Eventually the 6 participating institutions will know where they can get information about school bullying and online bullying, as well as reliable help in all the languages of the above countries by phone lines or the Internet.


•    The survey questionnaire is addressed to 18,000 secondary school students and is filled in electronically through the project website.
•    As part of the European - AntiBullying Campaign and the "Do not Make the Difference" campaign ... MILES NOW "Smile of the Child" created an original cross media Interactive Educational Tool.
This particular tool has a form through which the person watching the video can intervene in multiple ways in a story concerning bullying. The Interactive Educational Tool maintains this format and presents two stories of bullying: one in the school and the other in the online environment.
The users can choose the story they want and then choose the profile of the child through whom they watch the story. In particular, they can choose between the intimidating child, the intimidated child or the child who is just watching. So they experience the story from the "eyes" of the child they have chosen, and then with structured choices they can choose how the story turns out, and eventually the end.
The naturalness of the venues, the children actors, the stories based on real events, give a strong dynamic to the instrument and make it particularly attractive to children. The tool explains the phenomenon of school bullying and wakes up children in relation to the emotional state of the children involved in intimidation. Practical solutions are included as well.
This training tool is accompanied by a corresponding manual for teachers and beyond the above objectives is also a reason for classroom discussion.


The implementation of an important initiative against School Bullying was completed by "The Child's Smile" in 2013 through the European project "Europe's Anti-Bullying Campaign (e-ABC) - European Campaign Against School Bullying". The project was funded by the EU Daphne III Community Program. Every year in all schools with the cooperation of Youth Counselling Stations of Greece, with the prevention programmes of the “Smile of the Child” organisation.


The Youth Counseling Station of the Cyclades runs an Educational Programme on Prevention and Tackling of School Violence and Intimidation".
At the request of many teachers and at the initiative of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the South Aegean, for 6 years we have been running training seminars, through the Moodle platform, in cooperation with the KE.PLE.NET of the Cyclades.
The training material, structured in ten modules, was produced within the framework of the Actions "Development and Operation of Network for Preventing and Addressing School Violence and Intimidation Actions 1, 2 and 3" from the Ministry of Education.
The training is addressed to all Primary and Secondary Education Teachers of the Cyclades and the Dodecanese.
The seminar is in the form of distance learning. It lasts 10 weeks and during the last 4 years 2500 teachers in elementary and secondary schools have been trained.
At the same time, through the training platform, educational material for parents and pupils can be used in School Violence and Intimidation Prevention Programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools.



High degree / regularly

Gender sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Culture sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Doable (practical):

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Replicable and adaptable:

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Type of good practice

Methods, Practical tool, Training tool (Train the trainer of online trains course)


Democratic dialogue, Promoting democratic values, Social inclusion, Youth civic participation



Type of activity

Group activity


Meetings with professionals, Contract & rules, Activities - experiential seminars for teachers and students( 15 sessions -30 hours)


Miltos Sakellariou


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